Here it is, the complete guide to understanding your email marketing metrics. Each segment of data is broken down by its location, purpose and significance to your campaign. In depth analysis is provided for subscribes, click rates, geographic mapping, forwards, unsubscribes and social stats. Learn why open rates do not necessarily dictate the success of your emails and which metric may be closer to the truth. Learn how to react to click performance and bounce rates and how to adjust your strategy to garner higher responses for the future. The Email Marketing Metrics Handbook is the perfect companion to your free Benchmark Email account.
Among email metrics, the open rate indicates the number of emails opened compared to the total amount delivered (or sent – fortunately these two values overlap an average 99% of the time if sent by the MailUp platform!). With the Email Metrics for Outlook feature you will be able to create detailed reports and statistics regarding your email habits – from how soon you reply, how many words, in average, you write to which are your top 10 recipients and what is your daily/weekly email traffic and many more!
Clickthrough rate (CTR) is likely the first answer you'll get when you ask an email marketer what metrics they track. It's what I like to call the 'day-to-day' email marketing metric, because it lets you easily calculate performance for every individual email you send. From there, you can track how your CTR changes over time.
The answer to these questions is to focus on the most important key performance indicators or email marketing KPIs. By tracking the right metrics and knowing what’s not working, you can improve each campaign without making the same old mistakes. You can actually grow faster by taking the right steps at the right time. Email Metrics and KPIs for Measuring Team Productivity First up, we’ll be dealing with KPIs for internal communications and employee productivity. Your team uses email on a daily basis to correspond with clients, relay instructions and messages, and keep each other up-to-date.