Summative assessment. The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Summative assessments are often high stakes, which means that they have a high point value. Examples of summative assessments include: a midterm exam; a final project; a paper. Evaluation Types When to use What it shows Why it is useful Formative Evaluation Evaluability Assessment Needs Assessment. During the development of a new program. When an existing program is being modified or is being used in a new setting or with a new population. Whether the proposed program elements are likely to be needed. 16personalities' assessment starts with Myers-Briggs dichotomies and adds archetypes from Jungian theory as well as some from the Big Five, which is a psychobabbly way of saying you’ll learn whether you’re an introvert or extrovert if you take this test—and at the end, you’ll be labeled with one of 16 personality types with cool names.
Your brain makes you who you
are. Get to know yourself!
Take the Brain
Health Assessment
Find out your
brain type
Get your personalized
email report
Improve your
This is the ONLY online assessment that provides accurate, real-time, lifestyle and product recommendations to
improve your brain health no matter your starting point.
There is always hope for a better brain.
What are you waiting for?
On what you need to know about yourself.
While such tests can sometimes be helpful, they usually aren't backed by science and place people into
rigid categories that can discourage, confuse or even stigmatize the test taker.
In less than 5 minutes you can:
And that's just the beginning...
Based on the world’s largest database of brain SPECT scans (160,000 and growing) that measure blood flow and activity, Dr. Amen and his team developed the Brain Health Assessment to help people predict what their brain might look like if they were scanned.
Unhealthy brain spect scan
While getting a full evaluation and SPECT scan at Amen Clinics is the most accurate way of learning about your brain, this assessment can give you a snapshot of your brain, doctor-recommended supplement plan, and some personalized recommendations.
Which brain type are you?
Developed by Daniel G. Amen, MD, bestselling author and double
board-certified psychiatrist with over 30 years of clinical practice.
Powered by the world's largest
database of functional brain scans
-160,000 and growing.
Amen Clinic's research has
published over 70 clinical studies
on brain health.
Based on work with
patients from 120 countries
around the globe.
'Your Brain is the organ of your
personality, character and
intelligence and is heavily involved
in making you who you are.'-Daniel G. Amen, MD
This assessment is the result of years of practice experience and clinical research. The results, by necessity, are of a general nature and should not be viewed as a substitute for an evaluation or treatment by a competent medical specialist. Self-report assessments have advantages and limitations. This assessment is intended as an information and education tool for you and your loved ones, and is not designed to replace your health care provider’s professional judgment regarding your health. Always discuss any recommendations with your personal physician. The assessment is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. Please work with your health care provider for advice about your specific medical conditions(s) and treatments(s) for such condition(s).