Kerala, a state on the southern coast of India, faced unprecedented flooding in the month of August 2018 due to unusually high rainfall during the monsoon season. In the aftermath of the calamity, the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat India (AKAH) deployed its Disaster Assessment and Response Team (DART) in the days immediately following the flooding. India has contributed one million U.S. Dollars to support the World Food Programme's humanitarian projects in North Korea.The WFP provided over 19-hundred tons worth of food to Pyeongyang in September. Up 4-hundred-80 tons on-month.Aid was received that month by just under 585-thousand people.But it's estimated that 10 million, or around 40 percent of the North's population, are in dire. ADRA India as part of the project Dettol Banega Swachh India completed the training of teachers on hygiene in 178 government schools in 4 blocks of Varanasi, and started the training in the 22 private schools. The first training in the private schools was actually part of their summer camp.
-->The company has actively contributed towards humanitarian response to COVID-19. An amount of INR 15.95 crores has been earmarked for combating COVID-19. Various efforts in extending humanitarian assistance were taken up by the Company, such as distribution of sanitizers, face masks, Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) kits, facilities for isolation wards and critical care units, dry ration for migrant workers, daily labours and destitute. LIC HFL Humanitarian assistance for COVID-19 has covered 17 states and 5 union territories by reaching out to 94,681 households and touching the lives of more than 4 lakhs individuals during the distribution of dry ration, faces mask, sanitizes etc.
Other Projects
Education and Skill Building
Health Initiatives
Education Initiatives
Varisthajana Swasthya Sewa Abhiyan
ONGC-GICEIT Computer Centre
Harit Moksha
Explore Organizations
UNDOKAI Dreams Association
Centre for Research and Industrial Staff Performance (CRISP)
The Tata Institute of Social Sciences(TISS)
Aarti for Girls
Kamalnayan Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation (KJBF)
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University, Jaipur